about her

HER was founded in 2022 after years of dreaming and knowing our story was meant for something more. HER stands for health and empowerment in reproduction - which is exactly what we do. We empower women to create a healthy relationship with their mind and body during their reproductive journey. But this doesn’t just stop there - HER is inclusive to any woman wanting to create an increased life balance and learn to love herself again.


There were three pivotal points in my life, one being before, one during and one after our fertility journey where I was in need of something, or someone to support me to be my best self. HER was created for exactly that. To be there for other women, in a way I needed the support, and still do need the support


Empower women to thrive before, during and after their fertility journey by helping them create a healthy relationship with their mind and body.


Normalize health as nutrition, movement and mindset.  Change the trajectory of women


Owning your journey/starting point, embracing where you are at, finding joy/contentment, respect your habits/decisions, no judgment, valuing change, be real and authentic.

andrea hensrud

my story

It was 26 negative pregnancy tests and five years before I had a positive HCG blood draw. Prior to being referred to IVF, twice.. We did injections, IUI and took breaks. After our first round of IVF, we were pregnant with twins. At my 16 week appointment I heard both of their heartbeats and I can still picture that moment. I can smell the smells, and see the doppler on my belly, and hear the whooshing sound. At my 20 week appointment we learned that one of the babies no longer had a heartbeat. We named him Corbin. Our other baby was alive and developing beautifully. She was born and is my favorite firecracker. Two years later we learned we were pregnant from our second round of IVF. We had transferred two embryos, and one took. I had a traumatic pregnancy full of doctors appointments, a hospitalization and bed rest. They took baby early without complications and he is my sweet and spicy bulldozer.

At the start of our fertility journey, I was active, eating what I would consider a well balanced diet and excited about what was to come. After years of negative pregnancy tests, unsuccess and many doctor visits, my mindset shifted, my body became less of a priority and my emotional and mental health started to plummet. I became controlled by trying to conceive. I did not have a good relationship with my body and I thought health was just physical. I would work out a few times, but things never really changed. I needed support that didn’t exist to me. So I created it. Meet HER.

transform your infertility journey

I help ambitious women. I help hurting women. I help habits.

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