get back to her

You know that woman you envisioned yourself to be? The one that takes care of herself, feels good, loves who she is - inside and out. She is the one that got trampled by the trauma of infertility and is ready to beat it in a new way, by getting back to her.



One of my favorite things about Andrea is that she’s not only raw & real, but that she’s also willing to call you out on your bullsh*t too! She reminded me constantly that I was stronger than I thought I was. The thing about Andrea is that she isn’t going to force you to do something that you’re not willing to give the effort for. She doesn’t fix your problems, instead, she helps you see that you have to be that person for yourself - she’s there to give you a boost & show you what’s been in you the whole time, you just weren’t able to see. Thank you Andrea for helping “uncloud” my vision of myself & being that boost I needed.


After just one session with Andrea I already felt lighter. Even the free session, I left with clear and realistic action steps. I even did them!


My goal was to gain weight, and I'm up to about 6 pounds more at my set weight than a year ago! (insert the double hand praise emoji here) - and I just have more energy, better control of my anxiety and more present with my family. I would say check, check and check to all of them. Thank you so very very much for what you did for me and still do!


I've never laughed so hard when relating to the junk that infertility throws at you.

andrea hensrud

a bit about me

At the start of our fertility journey, I was active, eating what I would consider a well balanced diet and excited about what was to come. After years of negative pregnancy tests, unsuccess and many doctor visits, my mindset shifted, my body became less of a priority and my emotional and mental health started to plummet. I became controlled by trying to conceive. I did not have a good relationship with my body and I thought health was just physical. I would work out a few times, but things never really changed. I needed support that didn’t exist to me. So I created it. Meet HER.

work with her

If you have experienced the trauma of infertility, and you are ready to level up your daily routines, then listen up! This is for you. I coach women 1:1 who are currently experiencing infertility or have experienced infertility in the past.Where you hold the journey, there is space for you here. 


We work through the barriers or challenges in your everyday life that are holding you back from your goals. These can be ANY goals. Nutrition, devotions, laundry, going out with friends, saying YES to yourself again, having sex for fun, and on purpose!. -because what can happen to us with infertility, is that it can steal so much from us. It can alter your emotional wellbeing, and take a huge toll on your mental health and mindset. And don’t get me started on what infertility does to our physical body.

health and empowerment in reproduction

Work with her to take control back of your health during your infertility journey. Here is a safe space to own your imperfections and learn how to really thrive in the wait.

learning to experience joy where your feet are

learning to experience joy where your feet are

infertility is a thief. it steals our ability to be content and happy in the here and now

learn to love yourself again

learn to love yourself again

learn to love your imperfections. its the imperfect that make us uniquely beautiful

health for the mind and body

health for the mind and body

health is more than working out. health is energy, mindset, nutrition, movement and habits

be empowered through community and connection

be empowered through community and connection

you are not alone. join a community of women navigating the grit of infertility

create a healthy relationship with your body

create a healthy relationship with your body

infertility destroys the ability to listen to what your body wants and needs. nourish, fuel and care for your body as an instrument, not an ornament

bring your best self to the forefront

bring your best self to the forefront

infertility can steal the best of us. take back control to reignite the best parts of you

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transform your journey

I help ambitious women. I help hurting women. I help habits.

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